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I had to submit some text to mediawiki. As it supports special markdown, but I had a file on Google Docs. Initially, I looked up for some online tools for conversion. For them I downloaded the Doc in html format. But that didn’t work. For example: It doesn’t support docx as input. But it support HTML. But it didn’t like much the HTML produced from Google Doc.

The thing that finally worked for me was that I installed pandoc on my system and then did the conversion.

Ubuntu guys can install is simply using:

sudo apt-get install pandoc

Then I read the manpage and found the -t flag useful. I searched for “mediawiki” in the manpage and that did the job.

The actual command that I fired was:

pandoc -t mediawiki input.docx > output

Then there will be a file named **output **will be created in the current directory in mediawiki style markdown format.

Update: More about pandoc can be seen at and the formatting help for mediawiki content can be found at