Read time: 1 minute

I searched about creating presentation with markdown. I found reveal-md. Here is the link to my fork:

Before installing reveal-md, you should have node installed on your system.

npm install -g reveal-md

This command gave some warnings as it is required to be run as root.

After taking some time, finally it installed.

After that I executed the following command to see the demo:

reveal-md demo

With this the server got started and it automatically opened Chromium browser and displayed the presentation.

I also tested it with some new file and wrote some markdown in it and then executed:


Here is the name of the file.

reveal-md in browser

The code is:

# Welcome
* Mandeep Singh
* Computer Science & Engineering


## Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College

> Testing and Consultancy Cell

Note: speaker notes FTW!

And to open speaker notes, the keyboard shortcut is ā€˜sā€™ key.